Press coverage

Connor Imes rocket2dmn at
Fri Sep 5 16:20:16 UTC 2008

OK now that I had lunch and am finished feeling bad, I'd like to 
highlight the successes we have had with the wiki, from the Beginners 
Team (BT) standpoint especially.

The BT is now using the wiki as one of its primary methods of staying 
organized, we have an entire structure laid out [1].  The main page 
would be here [2].  BT Focus Groups also use the wiki to stay organized.


As a result of this, there are now a good number of BT members who have 
at least seen how the wiki works, and many who are comfortable working 
with Moin.  This means we have potential to get more people involved 
with wiki documentation.  Here is the list of those involved with the 
Wiki FG [3], some of them you may already recognize.
We are also making the wiki pages more visible on the forums by 
providing links to those in search of help, and instructions on how to 
make good use of the existing community docs.


Finally, the BT Wiki FG has compiled a list of MAJOR workups on pages 
[4].  This is by no means comprehensive, and certainly fails to take 
into account pages that have simply been cleaned up a bit, enough to be 
removed from CategoryCleanup.
There is also the implementation of CategoryDeletion [5] which we put to 
great use - as many as a hundred or more pages have been removed from 
the wiki as part of this cleanup effort.  (Speaking of which, those 
pages still listed could use a little deletion love, admins!)


So that's the real scoop, and anybody that thinks otherwise or just has 
personal comments can come forward and feel free to debate the subject  
in an honest and professional manner with me or the BT Wiki FG 
volunteers.  I'm on IRC regularly.

-Connor Imes aka Rocket2DMn

Connor Imes wrote:
> Wow, I feel awful.  However, that is saying that our attempt to clean up 
> the wiki has failed, with which I disagree.  The documentation is/was in 
> a state of disrepair, and our effort is to get it up to speed, with 
> which we have had some success.  There are only a handful of us from the 
> Beginners Team helping with this, and it is true that have gotten 
> sidetracked a bit...
> -Connor
> Phil Bull wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> We're on the Register!
>> Thanks,
>> Phil

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