New Features Documentation

Marc Kaplan mk at
Fri Oct 31 02:11:26 UTC 2008

Just out of curiosity, when we are getting ready for a launch, as we 
just did:

1) How do we get the Release Notes?  Who starts on them/writes them?  
How do they know what has been fixed/added/removed?

2) How do WE know which features have been added?  When I saw this on 
LifeHacker, this took me completely off guard:

I would think this is probably something that would have been nice to 
know about and document in the official help docs prior to launch (maybe 
it was, but I haven't had a chance to look yet).  I'm wondering what 
else might be out there that should be documented that was added.  Is 
there a different mailing list that we should subscribe to so we can 
stay on top of things like this?

Marc K.

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