more testing of the new wiki theme

Matthew East mdke at
Fri Oct 17 07:31:36 UTC 2008

Hi there,

The ubuntunew theme on has gone through a
bit more development and was recently updated on the server.

Can people please test it and report back on how they find it? The
major change is that the editbar can collapse and expand: the reason
for this is that when it was fixed at the bottom of the screen, it
conflicted with Firefox's "find" function, because the words that get
highlighted by firefox would be hidden behind the editbar.

Additionally, there is a search bar which searches all of and rather than just the wiki:
that is Dustin Kirkland's work. I know that the css is broken just now
(it will be fixed) but please let us have your feedback on the actual
search results too.

Currently the theme doesn't seem to work too well in IE7: I haven't
had time to test/debug it in browsers other than firefox. If people
are able to do that, and can submit patches to the theme, that would
be awesome. The theme code is here:

If anyone is confused about how to actually use the theme: login, go
to and select the
ubuntunew theme.


Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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