Return vs. Enter

Joel Goguen jtgoguen at
Mon Nov 24 17:22:25 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-11-19 at 21:27 +0000, Phil Bull wrote:
> Hi guys,
> On Wed, 2008-11-19 at 16:42 +0000, Dougie Richardson wrote:
> [...]
> > Still think its a storm in a teacup, yet every time it gets mentioned
> > everyone chips in and nothing changes in the end, lol.
> To settle the argument:
> I searched for "return key" or "enter key" using Google (or the LP
> answers search) on the listed websites.
> Source  /  # Results for Return  /  # Results for Enter
> Google  /  742,000  /  2,520,000
> LP Answers  /  27  /  92
> Ubuntu Forums  /  803  /  6000
> Microsoft  /  1630  /  14,700
> Apple  /  11,600  /  6,560
> Novell  /  85  /  663
> Red Hat  /  183  /  503
> PC Pro  /  73  /  374
>  /  87  /  504
> "Enter" is clearly the more popular term, by around 4x. We should use
> "Enter". Who's volunteering to make the change?
> Thanks,
> Phil
> -- 
> Phil Bull
I made these changes in my local Jaunty checkout, but when I run on switching/C/preparing.xml it says that linkend references
unknown IDs "installing" (on line 41) and "installing-get" (on line 25),
but I see both of those in switching/C/installing.xml.  Should those be
changed for ulink elements, or does something else need to be fixed?

Joel Goguen
Bug-free code is a myth.
Registered Linux User #391952
Registered Ubuntu User #15951
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