Return vs. Enter

Brittany Dunlap brittdunlinux at
Wed Nov 19 04:01:06 UTC 2008

Joel Goguen wrote:
> In the documentation, users are directed to push the "Enter" or the
> "Return" key almost interchangeably.  Which is correct for the
> documentation, or does it really matter?
Enter and Return are the same keys, and anybody who does not know this 
should brush up on computers before attempting to run ANY operating 
system. BUT that's my opinion. So, since the documentation is 
inconsistent, if it's that big of a deal, all pages that reference the 
'return' or 'enter' keys should be changed to reference only one or the 

OR it could be changed to say "push the button that does the thing where 
it saves data or causes a command to run"

This reminds me of Homer Simpsons's "press any key - where's the 'any key'"

Brittany Dunlap

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