more testing of the new wiki theme

Matthew East mdke at
Fri Nov 14 08:03:29 UTC 2008


Resurrecting this one, as I think I've twigged what is causing the problem.

On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 1:04 AM, Little Girl <littlergirl at> wrote:
> Matthew East wrote:
>> Additionally, there is a search bar which searches all of
>> and rather than just the wiki:
>> that is Dustin Kirkland's work. I know that the css is broken just
>> now (it will be fixed) but please let us have your feedback on the
>> actual search results too.
> I hope that broken means it only shows 10 results. If not, then I'm reporting that it only shows 10 results. (:

I think this is probably because the links to other pages are hidden
below the image which is at the bottom of the page. Can you try
entering some search terms into and see if that fixes the

Matthew East
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