Updates inquiry...
Marc Kaplan
mk at technomensch.net
Wed Nov 5 17:16:07 UTC 2008
Other than reviewing the mailing list, is there a place where we can
see what everyone else is working on. If not, I have seen that this
is fairly common on several of the other Team's Wiki pages and would
like to see something similar with ours. Specifically, I think the
Guides, System Docs, and Wiki should each have their own. Or is
launchpad being used for the first 2 and it's just the WikiTeam that
doesn't have anything.
For example:
Wiki Team:
- Revamped wiki.ubuntu.com Home Page
- Revamped wiki.ubuntu.com/Teams
- Contacted various Team Leaders to update their information on /Teams page.
- Contacted Community Management Team Lead to discuss menu structure
of Teams and Community. Based on this conversation, I created the
MenuBar now located at the top of /Teams.
- Working with littlegirl towards updating /Formatting and WikiGuide.
The plan, as discussed through the mailing list, is to
replace/redirect from the various HelpOn prebuilt MoinMoin pages
with/to our own providing they cover the same information.
- Trying to figure out how to deal with/address the CategoryHardware
documentation. Joined QA mailing list to discuss with them.
Server Guide:
- Plan on attempting to follow the Apache server/LAMP guides once I
can get my desktop up and running with Intrepid and offer edits
Customize Desktop Guide:
- Recommend that this would be the place that we discuss the different
X desktops/File Managers/Windows Managers, How to utilize profiles,
Marc K.
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