comments on the wiki should be threaded

Dean Sas dean at
Sun Nov 2 17:32:44 UTC 2008

shirish wrote:
> Hi all,
>  The comments on the wiki should be threaded with date and time. Have
> a look at say this one for example.
> Now who said what at what date/time is not known, so the freshness of
> that story is not known.
> I'm sure its on the roadmap, but how and when would be nice to know.

The other answer is that discussions like that one should not take place
on the wiki but in a mailing list, irc channel or other forum.

People can already "sign" their comments with a name, date and time by
typing "@SIG@"

It may not be very friendly but you can also figure out who said what,
when by using the "info" link at the top.


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