I'd like to get involved.

Ricardo Mesa Curtido rimescu at gmail.com
Mon May 5 10:59:04 UTC 2008


I'm Ricardo, from Spain, and I'd like to collaborate.
After a few years using SuSE I discoverded Ubuntu (in  2005!  Breezy
Badger!   I can't believe how fast time goes by!  :-)

Well. I'm using Gnome desktop and rigth now I'm upgrading to 8.04 and I
think it's a good moment to give a new step. I'd like to collaborate with
the Ubuntu Community. Please, tell me how can I  help. I'm interested in
technical reviewing and inexistent documentation. It's annoying/frustrating
to press a help button and get a white box, or a non-existant box, when the
help button exists!   :-)     I can also translate texts into spanish.

Best regards.

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