writing an easier documentation page for installing from USB flash drive
Alexander van Loon
svloon at xs4all.nl
Thu May 1 15:15:24 UTC 2008
On Sun, 2008-04-27 at 20:32 +0800, Sandy Harris wrote:
> There's already:
> http://www.pendrivelinux.com/
> Their procedures wrorked fine for me, putting Gutsy on an
> 8 gig flash drive. Since I had a big drive, I followed their
> advice for a USB HD install.
> Could we just link there?
> --
> Sandy Harris,
> Nanjing, China
I already knew about that website, they have the easiest instructions
for copying the ISO image to a USB flash drive on Windows. Their method
works for me too, but instead of linking I think we copy their
instructions (I don't know if that's OK, and if we'd need their
approval?) and remove their customizations. I noticed that a USB flash
drive prepared with their method displays a modified splash screen with
their Pendrive Linux logo when you boot from the USB flash drive.
On Mon, 2008-04-28 at 00:40 +0100, Dean Sas wrote:
> Alexander van Loon wrote:
> > This has already seen some discussion on the devel-discuss mailing list
> > here, so instead of repeating everything what was said I'll just give
> > this link -
> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2008-April/003897.html - to the discussion there. Please read those e-mails to the list and the blog post I referred to in my e-mail.
> >
> > My questions to the documentation team are:
> >
> > * Is the documentation team interested in writing an 'official'
> > documentation page for help.ubuntu.com which covers installation
> > of Ubuntu from a USB flash drive?
> I assume by 'official' you mean a non-wiki document? There's no real
> difference between the two, except one is easily edited via a web ui,
> and the other is edited as XML and is included in the system docs.
> We already have a wiki page covering installing from usb disk and I feel
> that that's probably the best place for it. If that page could be
> improved then please do!
> > * Does the documentation team have the power to get a link added
> > on the ISO image download page of www.ubuntu.com which links to
> > that page?
> That's down to the ubuntu webmasters - you could file that as a bug on
> the ubuntu-website launchpad product.
> Thanks,
> Dean
Yes, I meant a non-wiki document similar to this page -
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto - with instructions
for burning the ISO image to a CD.
I don't understand why you write that the Wiki is probably the best
place for a page with instructions for USB flash drives, while the page
with instructions for burning the ISO image to a CD does get an official
page? AFAIK such a Wiki page can be edited by everyone who has a Wiki
account, while those official pages are controlled by the documentation
team? Those seem good reasons to give the instructions for USB flash
drives an official page as well.
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction, Here -
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/225263 - I filed a bug.
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