Proposal for branch restructuring for intrepid

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at
Mon Mar 31 18:18:07 UTC 2008

On Monday 31 March 2008, Jordan Mantha wrote:
| I think this is a good idea. In the least you can have a script that
| creates the translated .xml when you create the source package if it's a
| pain to do it at actual .deb build time.

Pain to do it at the actual .deb build time because we tend to get back XML tags 
that have been translated as well which requires us to manually fix these so 
the files validate.

But we know where the translations are in LP, so it isn't difficult to leave 
them out of the branches and just import and fix the translations locally for 
packaging. With Kubuntu, I don't upload my translations until the very end, 
ensuring I have as many as possible, which is usually not that much typically. 
So the original issue isn't really that big of a deal with Kubuntu more so than 
it is with Ubuntu and the mass amount of translation love they get.


| I like this option. It should make a lot more sense to contributors.
| Only question is about maintaining common material for derivative
| branches. Right now I just check common/ and libs/ in the ubuntu-hardy
| branch for changes to merge into the edubuntu branch. If the the various
| common/ and libs/  directories where to be merged how do you think this
| would effect derivatives? My guess would be that it might make things a
| bit more complicated but really wouldn't matter much. Derivatives might
| just end up shipping more than they need.

Can you do the external branching stuff like Subversion does? We do it in both 
Debian and KDE, but I don't know with Bazaar how that would or could be done. 
That way there we all share an external common/ or libs/ source between the 

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at
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