Documenting unattended-upgrades

Nick Barcet nick.barcet at
Mon Mar 31 11:08:20 UTC 2008

Matthew East wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 11:21 AM, Nick Barcet <nick.barcet at> wrote:
>> Thanks a lot for the suggestion Matthew, unfortunately the text I am
>> pointing to is not quite appropriate in the current form outside of its
>> context. I guess I'll just make a note to propose this addition for
>> Intrepid then.
> What about just:
> Configuring Automatic Updates
> To have your system be configured to update itself on a regular basis,
> we will just install unattended-upgrades:
> sudo aptitude install unattended-upgrades
> That bit seems to be of general application. Is more required?

Well, I have mixed feelings about this as because:
a) the form (who is "we" in this context?)
b) the lack of surrounding explanation on
  * the risks of using it,
  * the fact that it will not reboot your system when a kernel is updated
  * the need to tell where the logs are

As Phil suggested, I have filed bug #209614 against ubuntu-docs.


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