Documentation team mentoring

Pamela Weaver pamela at
Thu Mar 27 13:43:43 UTC 2008

Hello there,

My name is Pamela Weaver and I've been using Ubuntu for about a year. 
I'm currently running Gutsy.
I'd like to join the mentoring programme on the documentation team. I'm 
not a techie, just an ordinary Linux user but I work as a 
writer/journalist so I figured the best way for me to get involved might 
be through helping out with proof-reading/re-writing and what-not.
If someone can point me in the right direction please, I'd like to give 
it a go.

Thanks very much,

Pamela Weaver, PhD
Senior Writer: ITWeb Informatica

) 072 986 5656, 021 715 0079
* PO Box 15805 Vlaeberg 8018

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