Announcement - changes

Connor Imes rocket2dmn at
Sun Jun 29 22:38:05 UTC 2008

Charlie Kravetz wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Jun 2008 11:33:37 -0700
> Connor Imes <rocket2dmn at> wrote:
>> I am finding that the titles of pages are no longer displaying page
>> titles correctly (or at all) with #title at the top.  Has the syntax for
>> naming a page changed, and if so, what is it?  See ex [1], the Beginners
>> Team Wiki FG page.
>> I am also having problems viewing attachments on pages [2] - I cannot
>> see all of them (at the bottom).  Another example [3], I've been working
>> on this page, but cannot see screenshots I uploaded.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> Thanks,
>> -Connor
> Having been working with MoinMoin on my own system, I may have at least
> one answer for these issues. Ubuntu just upgraded to MoinMoin 1.6.3; a
> side effect is changes in codes. The # is a processing instruction. The
> only ones I can find listed are at:
> I don't find one for #title, unless there is an instruction written
> somewhere now. The IconsPage displays all the icons depending on the
> theme you are using. In user preferences, if I select "modern in
> Preferred Themes, I get about 50% showing. If I select "Right Sidebar",
> I see all of them. I suspect a problem with the theme is at fault.
> As for the screenshots, I don't know the answer.
> Anyone else?

Thanks for responding, I figured out the screenshots/attachments, it is
not required to wrap attachment:whatever.png inside of {{ }}.  Still not
sure on pages titles though.

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