Bug #146895

Rohan Kapoor rohankap at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 21 14:30:17 UTC 2008

Even if you download from a torrent you could be downloading multiple 
different files they may be disguised to look like the original. Anyway. 
I'll stay on topic and say that I agree that this isn't the documentation 
team's problem.

From: "Matthew Paul Thomas" <mpt at myrealbox.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 10:13 AM
To: "Ubuntu Doc Team" <ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: Bug #146895

> On Jun 20, 2008, at 8:27 PM, Dougie Richardson wrote:
>> ...
>> This bug [1] has kind of reached a stale mate and to be honest I think
>> that the status should be changed to "Won't Fix". It's a very uncommon
>> usage scenario, extremely unlikely and there is no current tool to be
>> documented that solves the issue.
>> ...
>> [1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-doc/+bug/146895
>> ...
> Since Ubuntu is freely redistributable, widely redistributed, and
> increasingly popular, eventually someone will have sufficient incentive
> to distribute something that claims to be Ubuntu but isn't.
> This is already happening with Firefox. It started mildly enough, with
> sites that disguise Google's "download Firefox" button ad as their
> download link (thereby earning commission on downloads), and sites that
> require you to enter your e-mail address (supposedly so that they can
> e-mail you the download link). But now there are sites that invite you
> to pay for the Firefox "premium edition", sites that offer Firefox with
> their toolbar or extension of choice pre-installed, and even reportedly
> a site that offers spyware disguised as Firefox 3.
> Mozilla's main defence against this is robustly defending the Firefox
> trademark (which indirectly led to the Iceweasel saga), and encouraging
> people to download Firefox only from getfirefox.com. But Ubuntu is a
> much bigger download than Firefox (so using someone else's CD or
> downloading from a geographically close mirror is noticably easier),
> even downloading from www.ubuntu.com *requires* you to choose a mirror
> site with a strange name, and Linux users are more familiar with the
> idea of mirrors in general. These factors in combination make us more
> socially vulnerable to a malicious download site, or to someone
> distributing CDs falsely claiming to contain Ubuntu.
> It's not a "bug" as usually defined, but it is a problem that needs
> solving. Just not by the documentation team.
> Cheers
> -- 
> Matthew Paul Thomas
> http://mpt.net.nz/
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