Wiki Cleanup - Blueprints Specs linked to from Launchpad

Philip Wyett philip.wyett at
Sat Jun 14 01:53:28 UTC 2008

2008/6/14 Nick Ellery <ellery.nick at>:

> There is a category called CategorySpec [1], which should be sufficient.
> All blueprints should be in this category, but I'm sure that there are many
> that aren't.  It would be a good idea to go through the major ones that have
> left the 'New' status, and ensure that they are in this category.
> [1]
> Thanks,
> On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 6:35 PM, Philip Wyett <philip.wyett at>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As part of any wiki cleanup, I honestly believe the subject of the
>> submission information
>> spec pages on from blueprints (link below) should be
>> addressed.
>> The pages created for blueprints seem to be sprayed all over the wiki with
>> no real
>> concern for any form of organisation. I would suggest we create a
>> 'BluePrints'
>> section on the wiki that can be subdivided into sections for various forms
>> of information
>> a well as a 'Specs' section where all the individual specs linked to from
>> launchpad
>> blueprints can be organised and more easily managed.
>> Regards
>> Phil
>> --
>> ubuntu-doc mailing list
>> ubuntu-doc at
> --
> Nick Ellery

Hi Nick,

I have just been looking at the page. In the vast majority of cases it is a
link too a page created at the  wiki root. :-(

Another pain is the loading of such a long list on a single page. Maybe over
time this page could be broken
into categories i.e.

     |_____ SpecPage
     |_____ SpecPage
     |_____ SpecPage
     |_____ SpecPage
     |_____ SpecPage
     |_____ SpecPage
     |_____ SpecPage

This would also have to be in conjunction with adding docs to show the
blueprinters what and where they
should be creating/putting their spec pages etc.


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