Active Directory wiki for Hardy

Charles Davis oldsoldier at
Wed Jun 11 20:30:28 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-06-11 at 13:25 -0500, Andrew & Carrie Stabeno wrote:
> We need to update the Active Directory Windbind wiki page for Hardy to
> tell how to use likewise-open to connect Ubuntu to an AD Domain.

The Beginner Team is working hard on helping to clean up and update the
community Wiki. Several members have joined the Documentation Students
Team and the beginner Team Wiki Focus group is hitting the wiki hard
trying to sort out and update relevant pages. 

you could post your request here: 

(or as a launchpad bug set to wishlist?) and we'll do our best to find
someone to update that page.

As an aside would it be appropriate to start a CategoryExpand for pages
such as these or would it be better to use LP wishlist bugs so that more
information is available for the guys actually interested in the task?


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