Expanding the documentation

Connor Imes rocket2dmn at aol.com
Sat Jun 7 19:16:09 UTC 2008

I have posted a couple of relevant links to some of the topics.  These
would be good starting points.

Nick Ellery wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've looked through the current documentation, and have come up with
> several ideas to expanding it:
> -- Reporting Problems.  A section like this would assist in bug triaging
> and fixing, as links to debugging specific packages could be provided. 
> Pages like Reporting Bugs [1] could be imported so people are able to
> find them with ease.
Ubuntu BugSquad has a number of links for those interested in bug
triaging.  Here are just a couple:

I agree that we need a page that specifically explains how to file bug
reports and when it is appropriate.
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/reportbug touches on this, but is a
little outdated.

> -- Installing New Themes.  Many users are stumped when it comes to
> installing community provided themes from sites such as gnome-look.org
> <http://gnome-look.org>.  A detailed description on how this works could
> help many.
This page can be expanded: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gnome/Customise
There is also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy

> -- Installation Guide [2].  The installation guide exists, but should be
> moved from the bottom of the page, where it is incorrectly labeled, to
> the Desktop Documentation category.  Currently, you can find this at the
> bottom of help.ubuntu.com <http://help.ubuntu.com>, where it labels it
> as 'Installing Ubuntu via the alternate CD'.

> -- Multimedia.  A section providing information on pre-installed
> graphical applications such as GIMP, especially links to the official
> documentation would be good.  This could be expanded from
> musicvideophotos, and also include brief information on applications
> such as Sound Recorder, video editors, audio editors, and desktop recorders.
More relevant links:

> So what are your thoughts on these?  Anything that I have missed, or
> should be added?
A lot of documentation already exists, but is either tricky to locate
and/or outdated or incomplete.  It seems to me like a really well
organized Table of Contents might prove very useful to those searching
for documentation, as long as it is easy to find.
> Thanks,
> Nick
> [1] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs
> [2] https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/
> -- 
> Nick Ellery

Just my 2 cents. Thanks,
-Connor Imes

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