Looking to help

Phil Bull philbull at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 13:41:14 UTC 2008

Hi Sean,

On Tue, 2008-07-01 at 08:51 -0600, Sean Carroll wrote:
> I'm looking to start writing some documentation for the Ubuntu
> project.  I've dabbled in Linux for over 10 years now and have finally
> made the permanent switch to Ubuntu about 2 months ago.  I write
> documentation in my current job for process control software, so I
> already have a good idea of document formatting etc.  I am currently
> running Ubuntu 8.04.  As for areas I'd like to work on, I am open to
> writing about anything that needs work to be done.  
> Please feel free to e-mail me!

Sorry for the delay in replying. Welcome to the team!

An interesting (and very useful!) project for you and others, if you're
interested, might be to survey all of the applications/capplets shipped
by default with Ubuntu to check the status of their documentation. You'd
be surprised how many major components of the desktop aren't documented!
There are also a few GNOME applications which have outdated docs (e.g.

Once we have a better idea of what's missing or outdated, we can start
work on actually fixing things!

If you're not interested in this, there's quite a bit of editing work
needed in the GNOME desktop guide, along with much more besides.



Phil Bull

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