I would like to join the mentoring program

Phil Bull philbull at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 20:39:18 UTC 2008

Hi Bert,

On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 14:39 -0500, bert at inkraftions.com wrote:
> I would like to contribute to ubuntu since I use it at work and at
> home and I have an hour or so each weekday to help with it.  I
> administer a small web site for work which I've written mostly using
> PHP in Blue Fish and a text editor.  I live in a village in Montana in
> the US in GMT-7.  I think the ubuntu documentation would be where I
> could be most productive.  Thanks,

Welcome aboard! In what ways would you like to help out? For example,
would you be interested in wiki cleanup work [1]?



[1] - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/WikiCleanup

Phil Bull

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