Server Guide - Console Security Patch

Adam Sommer asommer70 at
Mon Jan 21 17:45:39 UTC 2008


> - Added a section on Console Security
> - The new section includes instructions on how to disable ctrl+alt+delete
> key combinations, and usage of GNU GRUB passwords.
> - Corrected minor typos in User Management section
Patch looks good, committed to revision 3654.  One small comment I had about
the User Management section is the usermod command:

   sudo usermod -a -G groupname username

The command works as advertised, but you can also accomplish the same result
using the adduser command:

  sudo adduser username groupname

It's really a small thing there's always multiple ways to accomplish any one
thing.  I was just thinking that maybe using adduser is a little simpler
than the usermod command.  Less options needed anyway :-).  Also, the
adduser command is used in other sections of the Server Guide.  For
instance, in the Mail Filtering section it's used to add the clamav user to
the amavis group:

  sudo adduser clamav amavis

Anyway, just a suggestion I'm okay with either command.  Thanks for the
patch, great work.

Party On,
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