Documentation Stable Release Updates

Matthew East mdke at
Sun Jan 13 11:10:31 UTC 2008


On Jan 12, 2008 12:51 PM, Phil Bull <philbull at> wrote:
> Here are a few proposals:

Thanks for these. Ok, first of all it's key for me that any proposal
needs to factor in the chance for translators to have a chance to
update the translations of the documentation whenever a string change
occurs. That's doable - we just need to include the requirement for
the translators to be notified in good time of an update to the
documentation before it happens and ensure that the new string is in

For that reason alone I think I prefer your first suggestion of a
fixed schedule "documentation service pack" about 3 months after the
release because this gives the necessary structure. However, you're
right that it's a reasonable amount of work in circumstances where the
docteam doesn't really have that many substantive contributors. But,
we can give it a try.

I'm not keen on only updating the website, I think that if we're going
to go to the effort, we might as well go the whole way.

Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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