Understanding documentation fixes

Neil Robinson halfhaggis at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 19:17:44 UTC 2008

Matt and Phil,

I hardly have time to contribute to the documentation, but I do read the
mailing list.

My comments on this are:

On Sat, 2008-01-12 at 12:51 +0000, Phil Bull wrote:

> Here are a few proposals:

The first two proposals are probably too much work, by your own
I think the 3rd proposal should definitely be implemented and the 4th
proposal should be implemented if possible.

>       * Only update the website. This could again be done on a schedule,
>         so we can fix several bugs at once. However, on noticing
>         differences between the online and offline help, users might not
>         know which one to trust. Advantages: Updates available to many
>         users. Disadvantages: installed help not updated, differences
>         between online and offline help.

The disadvantage here can be worked around by placing a clear notice on
the offline help that the latest version of the help files are available
on the net.
Similarly, such a notice should be posted on the online help to indicate
that the offline help may possibly be out of date.

>       * Formalise our testing/review process, so that there are fewer
>         bugs in the first place! We always end up making commits right
>         up to string freeze, even afterwards, and rarely get time to
>         properly review the docs. If we had a schedule and a structured
>         reviewing process, we could probably squash a lot of bugs before
>         release. Advantages: Better-quality documentation.
>         Disadvantages: Could still find bugs after release, DocTeam
>         members are volunteers and may not be able to fit into the
>         schedule easily.

Getting volunteers to fit to a schedule isn't easy. Look at me. I only
manage to read the mailing list.

> Thanks,
> Phil
> -- 
> Phil Bull
> http://www.launchpad.net/people/philbull

Neil Robinson <halfhaggis at gmail.com>
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