New member

Leandro Di Tommaso leandro at
Fri Jan 4 22:42:37 UTC 2008

Hello everybody!

Mi name is Leandro Di Tommaso, I'm 21 and I'm studying computers
science since 2005 in La Plata, Argentina. I've started using Ubuntu
with Hoary and what helped me most in that moment was the great
documentation that was available on the net (it still helps me a
lot!). That's why now I would like to contribute so other newcomers
and advanced users could find wathever they need to meet their

As I have never been part of a documentation team I don't know where
to start so I'd like to join the mentoring program.

One of the things that I think I could be useful for is to translate
the documentation to Spanish. I might also add new or edit existing


Leandro Di Tommaso.

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