Documentation Release Scheduling

Phil Bull philbull at
Mon Feb 11 23:00:38 UTC 2008

Hi Adam,

On Thu, 2008-02-07 at 16:02 -0500, Adam Sommer wrote:
> I wanted to ask for some extensions for new Server Guide sections.
> The new sections I'd like to get into the guide are a Virtualization
> section, an update to the Windows Networking section documenting the
> new likewise-open package, and possibly a subsection on bacula (if it
> makes it into Main).
> Currently virtualization is under heavy development and I'd hate to
> have documentation not included for Hardy.  I guess my fear is that
> the development of the above areas may take most of the remaining time
> before FF, and that probably wouldn't give us enough time write the
> documentation.
> Please let me know what you think.

That seems fine to me - it's only a soft freeze anyway, and new server
documentation would be a valuable addition. However, you should be
careful to set aside a reasonable amount of time for proofreading and
testing before Documentation String Freeze (20th March), since the new
docs will be part of an LTS release.



Phil Bull

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