Wiki Clean Up - An Article To Delete?

Eddie Martinez eddiemartinez at
Fri Feb 1 23:43:32 UTC 2008

link please?



On Feb 1, 2008 5:40 PM, <bert at> wrote:

> I'm new to ubuntu documentation and have found an article to clean up.
>  The title is forum/software/OpenSource/MakeMoneyHowto.  It looks safe for a
> beginner to work on since it appears to have no complicated formatting.
>  However, the content is somewhat logically disjointed (A comment in the
> revision history indicates that the article may have been written in a
> hurry).  And even a brief overview of open source vs. proprietary business
> models appears to have little relevance to ubuntu as an operating system.
>  Would this be an article that should be deleted?  How does one recommend
> that an article be deleted?
> --Bert
> --
> ubuntu-doc mailing list
> ubuntu-doc at

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