help wiki theme improvements

Matthew East mdke at
Sun Aug 17 13:43:14 UTC 2008


I'd like to use this thread as a way of collecting information about
how to improve the help wiki theme. Since the upgrade it has gone
backwards a bit, and I've put in a request for the admins to send me
the current theme so that I can merge it with our bzr branch [1] and
ensure that we have a process in place to contribute improvements to
the theme generally.

The things I've noticed as being missing from the current theme are:

1. The "Page History" link is now called "Info"
2. The footer is back to the old one with broken links and is missing
our licensing information
3. There is no "parent" link on subpages

Have I missed any? Also, feel free to add ideas for improvements, such as:

4. Link to "talk" or "discussion" pages on every page (as per point 3
5. Upgrade theme to nicer looking one (longer term goal)

Matthew East
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