ubuntu-doc Digest, Vol 47, Issue 13

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at myrealbox.com
Thu Aug 14 23:21:53 UTC 2008

On Aug 14, 2008, at 5:09 PM, Dougie Richardson wrote:
> ...
>> I see many people who ask to be mentored, and Phil Bull and others do 
>> a good job of replying, but it seems like few of the volunteers then
>> follow up. Has anyone measured this?
> Is there a way to measure this, we only know of our own students 
> really.
> ...

You could scan the ubuntu-doc@ archives for people who had asked to be 
mentored between one and two months ago, and see how many of them had 
contributed to either the help.ubuntu.com wiki or one of the ubuntu-doc 
project branches in the past month. Then do the same for people who had 
asked to be mentored between two and three months ago, then the same 
for people who had asked to be mentored between three and four months 
ago, etc.

That would be rather tedious work, but probably much of it could be 
automated, and it would be valuable in showing how quickly interest 
falls off after initial mentoring. Then you can more easily tell the 
effectiveness of any future changes to the mentoring process, by how 
much it raises the curve.

Matthew Paul Thomas

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