[VOTE] Wiki banners

Phil Bull philbull at gmail.com
Thu Aug 7 15:35:07 UTC 2008

Hi guys,

It seems that we have three different implementations of the wiki banner
idea. We should select one and just use that to avoid further
confusion/delay, so please vote for your favourite, including a
justification for your choice.

Here are the contenders:

 1. Basic banners using the built-in Include() macro [1]
 2. More stylish banners using a macro developed by Leo [2]
 3. Another Include()-based idea from the Software section of the wiki
 4. Something else entirely


My vote is for #1, since it's simple, can easily be implemented in an
afternoon and would be easier to maintain than a custom macro as in #2.
As pretty as they are, I don't think curved edges are necessary either.
We could spend a bit more time making these banners pretty, though. They
should all be collected in one sub-directory of the wiki, too.



[1] - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/WikiBanners
[2] - http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/2964/wikibannered3.png
[3] - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide/SoftwareDocumentation

Phil Bull

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