Tech Report For migratingdata.xml

Nick E. ellery.nick at
Mon Apr 21 18:37:43 UTC 2008

Alright, thanks for your input.



On 4/21/08, Dougie Richardson <ddrichardson at> wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> > Thanks for taking a look at that.  Can you please inform me on how I
> > did?
> Sure, it's a great couple of  entries so far!
> Keep sentence sizes small, it's often unavoidable but generally if you
> have any conjunctions then split it into two sentences.
> Bare with me as I'm still getting used to BZR (I can't stand it - who
> thought it was a good idea to include every line to be removed and every
> line to be added in a diff along with all the original text must've had a
> faster connection than I do), I much prefer SVN. I likely wont patch this
> until the weekend (I tend to patch in batches).
> We are now using the terminology "Click" if a mouse is pressed so I've
> changed a few lines here and there where "Press" was used. This is common
> through out any documentation I wrote (such as the whole switching guide).
> Personally I don't see the fuss but there is the odd bug report about it.
> What areas are you particularly interested in working on next?
> BTW, if you have any questions regarding mentoring, avoid CC'ing them to
> Launchpad because they stay up there. If it's a general question about
> DocBook or patching etc, then CC to the documentation team's list too.
> Cheers,
> Dougie
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