Exception request for HWTest in Hardy

Marc Tardif marc at interunion.ca
Mon Apr 21 15:01:40 UTC 2008

Hi ubuntu-doc,

I would like to submit a patch to HWTest before release and pitti
suggested I request your approval. The problem is that the current release
of HWTest submits information such as installed packages without the
knowledge of the user. This has resulted in bug #201336 in which a user
said "Wow!  This pisses me off!" and "I don't tolerate this kind of !@#$".

So, I have fixed the problem by showing a summary of the information
before submission. This is nothing detailed, just a simple summary:

  The following information will be sent [blah blah].

  Distribution details
  Device information
  Processor information
  Packages installed
  Test results

Pitti would therefore like to know if ubuntu-doc is fine with making this
change now; i.e. it won't break documentation (or you can update it).

Please let me know as soon as possible so that we can potentially proceed
with the update.

Marc Tardif <marc.tardif at canonical.com>
Freenode: cr3, Jabber: cr3 at jabber.org
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