F-Rated Documentation

Phil Bull philbull at gmail.com
Sat Apr 19 16:30:28 UTC 2008

Hi guys,

Here's a list of tasks that you might be interested in working on.
They've all been rated "F" for Fun, and there are rumours** that any
volunteers will get a free ride in Mark Shuttleworth's rocket.

      * Write an article about your favourite software, for Debian
        Package of the Day [1]. I've contributed a couple of articles
        myself in the past, and it's pretty fun and easy. You get your
        name on hundreds of planets too (the RSS aggregators, not the
        lumps of gas/rock).
      * Design a mock-up for a documentation search function. I've got a
        basic one up and running here [2], but we need some way of
        integrating it with the Help wiki and help.ubuntu.com. Ideally,
        it would replace the current wiki search box in the navigation
        bar of the website. HTML required!
      * Write some documentation for an upstream project [3]. Project
        Hamster [4] is a furry little time-tracking applet, and the
        author is looking for someone to write documentation for the
      * Work on a bug [5]. We have quite a few bugs open at the moment,
        and it'd be really nice to squish some of them early in the
        release cycle.
      * Finish the style guide [6]. I'd especially like to see some
        style recommendations for wiki pages, but that's just me.



** Note: There are also rumours that I made this up.

[1] - http://debaday.debian.net/2008/04/10/a-call-for-help/
[2] - http://philbull.googlepages.com/huc_test.html
[3] -
[4] - http://projecthamster.wordpress.com/
[5] - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/
[6] - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/StyleGuide

Phil Bull

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