Wrong entry into AutofsLDAP documentation (Middle-Priority)

Sylvaptik sylvaptik at gmail.com
Sun Apr 13 22:45:18 UTC 2008

Hello person who will read this email,

It's just to inform you that I think that an entry is missing in your
example published into this webpage:


In fact, you're using an Organisation Unit called "auto.home" but you
don't create it before. A person has encountered this problem before and
has reported his feed back there:


As you can see, he had to create this entry but his LDAP tree is not
exactly the same as yours.
Because of the automountInformation field:

        --timeout=60 --ghost

you should add something like that:

        # ou=auto.home,ou=automount,ou=admin,dc=example,dc=com
        dn: ou=auto.home,ou=automount,ou=admin,dc=example,dc=com
        objectClass: top
        objectClass: automountMap
        ou: auto.home

Hoping being help-full, I sincerely thank you for your documentations
and all you're doing; as well you than the community.

"Free hacker ..."

Sylvain Meras - France

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