Problem logging in to wiki

Haz2a haz2a at
Sun Apr 13 19:55:49 UTC 2008

I don't use wikis very often but I have tried to use the Ubuntu
Community Help wiki a few times, and usually find the logon very
confusing. I'm not sure if I have ever succeeded before, but I know i
have given up on more than one occasion because I didn't have the time
to play about with it. I did succeed today, but it was a very convoluted
route and I'm not sure exactly how I did it!

I click 'Edit' on the page I want to update. That asks me for my email
and password. I have registered with launchpad before to report bugs, so
I assume it will be the same, and I enter those.

This is where it gets confusing.
I then get a User Preferences page, with a username 'haz5' similar to
mine, but I don't have any record of using that exact one. I can only
assume that this page is presented because the wiki didn't recognise my
email/pwd and is creating a new user for me?

Down the page it says First Time: enter password, password, email - but
there aren't any fields for those!?

I think in the end I just clicked Save and then was able to edit the
page in another tab.

If other users have similar frustrating experiences as me, the wiki must
be losing most attempted  feedback, and a lot of respect!

I use NoScript in Firefox, and don't have cookies enabled by default,
but have JScript enabled for and cookies enabled for - are cookies or scripts are required for other domains?

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