proposal: shut down ubuntu-doc-commits mailing list

Matthew East mdke at
Tue Apr 8 07:33:43 UTC 2008

Hi Philip,

On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Philip Wyett <philip.wyett at> wrote:
> imho, I would keep the list. Launchpad while OK has been the bane of my life
> today. I went to
>  launchpad and searched bugs for sweep and got no results. The same search
> in google got me
> a bug page in launchpad. Not good for the system when for a specific bug for
> an app you get no
> results and then a google search throws the bug pages up. :-/

I don't think difficulties with the bug tracker translate to a problem
with the branch notification feature of Launchpad - since we use
Launchpad for our branch hosting, we might as well use this feature,
which allows for more control than the mailing list technique - since
people can choose what level of detail they want to get in their
commit messages.

I'd encourage you to submit any bugs you encounter with Launchpad

Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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