Desktop Course - Sections 1 & 2 released for review

Torsten Spindler torsten at
Fri Sep 28 11:27:09 UTC 2007

Hi Dougie,

On Fri, 2007-09-28 at 12:00 +0100, Dougie Richardson wrote:
> ...
> 1. Tags needing to be added to the XSL that writers may not be
> familiar with, or at the very least a strong consistancy in what tags
> are used.

Currently we advise the technical writers at our partner NIIT to use the
same set of tags that the doc-team uses, see

> 2. The processing itself - I use FOA 0.6.0, provided under the Mozilla
> Public License 1.1 (, I am
> concious that this project would be considered a commercial work and
> so am unsure as to how to proceed from here. There are other OSS
> solutions, however Apache-FO is the most widespread but is
> unbelievably resource hungry and is also quite unwieldy for large
> texts (such as this). Any input into this is most welcome.

The makefiles uses dblatex to convert from XML to PDF and xsltproc for
XML to HTML conversion. I have no experience with FOA, though I played
with FO some three to four years back. What would be the major benefits
of deploying this?

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