Request to join DocuMENTORS

shadow puppet shdw.puppet at
Thu Sep 20 04:20:59 UTC 2007

Hello everybody,
   My name is Alex Williams. I am an avid Ubuntu user and lately not
contributing has been gnawing at my conscious. I would like to join the
documentation team but do not know how. Then I saw your mentor ship program
and thought it would be a great way to help out. I am currently a student,
but I get good grades and have plenty of tie to help out especially weekend
nights. I enjoy writing and helping others understand concepts. I have
mentored kids who are slower in certain subject with much success. I
currently have little to do in my evenings and can usually contribute 1-2
hours every other day. On weekends, like I said, I can help out much more,
usually well into the night. I possess moderate technical knowledge but I am
willing to research for documents and learn a great deal. I am not familiar
with docbook, but it looks fairly straightforward and I am sure I will pick
it up in no time. I hope you consider me for your team.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
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