Restructuring Page Names on the Wiki

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Wed Sep 19 17:23:19 UTC 2007

Hi Dougie,

On Wed, Sep 19, 2007 at 02:00:03AM +0100, Dougie Richardson wrote:
> This is a good point in itself, given that the default search is by page name, then we probably need to be quite thorough in any naming convention.
>   Hm, good point, because searching 'virtualization' leads you to the Seamless Virtualization technology offered by VMware, with no options (qemu, virtualbox) in sight.
>     I was reviewing some of the virtualisation topics on the wiki. It occured to me that there are guides covering everything - there just isn't any structure. Would it be possible for me to say:
>     1. Expand the Virtualisation page to be the starting point for all other VM pages?
>     2. Create new pages within a hierarchy, and transpose the information (i.e. Virtualisation/VirtualBox, Virtualisation/Qemu, etc)?
>     3. Deprecate the redundant page names, or get them deleted?

That would be a very good starting point to improve the community wiki.


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