UPDATED xubuntu.ent, internet.xml, internet-C.omf

Luzius Thöny lucius.antonius at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 19:14:55 UTC 2007

fijam7 at gmail.com wrote:
> 2007/9/12, Luzius Thöny <lucius.antonius at gmail.com>:
>> thank's a lot, jan. i committed it as r4356, with a few corrections (some of
>> the items in xubuntu.ent still had the gnome menu structure, like system ->
>> preferences. i hope to have fixed them all.)
>> ~luzi
> Okay, thanks.
> I will be reviewing stuff that has been recently submitted (i.e by
> Jim), so stay tuned ; )
> Regards,
> Jan

alright, i'll be watching...

BTW, something that came to my attention is the problem of links like 
"<ulink type="help" url="ghelp:add-applications">"

those will obviously not work for us, since we don't ship yelp, so we 
need to come up with a solution for this. would it work to replace all 
of these ulinks with xrefs?


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