
Phil Bull philbull at
Tue Sep 4 11:32:07 UTC 2007

Hi Dougie,

On Sun, 2007-09-02 at 16:32 +0100, Dougie Richardson wrote: 
> Wow. Internet.xml really did need overhauling now didn't it. Attached
> is a preliminary diff - just to keep the reviewing to a more managable
> level.
> I've made a lot of changes, so far I'm happy that basics.xml,
> wireless.xml and adsl.xml are complete. There are still a lot of
> changes to be made - especially to modems.xml, which really needs
> expansion and I'm working on this weekend.
> Please ignore the flat file format of internet.xml itself, this is
> related to my use of the "set" tag and splitting all the other
> sections into books and articles. If you look at, say connecting.xml
> then you can see how well it seems to work - the left hand pane
> guiding users in the right direction and hopefully making the correct
> information easier to find.
> Like I say, its still a work in progress and once I've figured the set
> tag out I'm sure it will all work from internet.xml.
> Cheers for any input and apologies for the delay, between hospital and
> the amount of work to be done in this section I'm running a little
> behind.

Sorry for the delay in replying. I've just applied your patch to my
working copy, but it appears to be missing the new files you've created.

Because they're new files to the repository, you need to use 'svn add
path/to/file.xml' and then create the patch. That way, the new files
will be picked up in the patch too.

Don't worry about delays of any sort, you're an absolute hero for taking
on this task in the first place!



Phil Bull

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