Ubuntu master document improvements

Phil Bull philbull at gmail.com
Thu Oct 25 18:19:05 UTC 2007

Hi David,

On Wed, 2007-10-24 at 21:48 +0100, DAVID ALLEN wrote:
> For Phil Bull, I hope you'll be able to see what I
> mean soon, at least in a small way. The couple of
> examples in parentheses above are a start. The next
> point, I suspect, is how does one handle sub-docs with
> their templates and a master doc. with its own,
> different, one: the problem will not be solved by a
> 'next you do this, then this' approach. I shall want
> to know how control which templates go where, and
> which are there already, and how to find out where
> they are. At present this seems difficult. 

It seems that the project you're proposing will likely concern only the
openoffice.org package. As such, it would probably be more appropriate
to try to work with the OpenOffice project rather than ourselves.

Ubuntu simply packages OpenOffice; we don't have the development
resources or in-depth knowledge of the package that members of the
OpenOffice.org project do, and so are unlikely to be able to be of much
help. Also, consider that you would be limiting the benefit of your work
to the users of only one Linux distro.

Please let me know if you'd like a hand getting in touch with OpenOffice
- I really do think that they would be able to be of more help to you
than us.



Phil Bull

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