Master Document

DAVID ALLEN davidallen131 at
Tue Oct 23 20:31:10 UTC 2007

Master Document systems, including Ubuntu's, are
notoriously unsatisfactory. I have tried to use Word
Perfect's (a while back), Vista's, and now Ubuntu's. I
feel that they all needed much better documentation,
as well as a systematic overhaul of the code design. I
have the following wild idea for a project. 1) Write a
detailed manual (not just an introductory guide with
step by step instructions, but an explanation of the
structure and details of the facilities available and
what they actually do) - yes, warts and all. 2)
Simultaneously and separately, produce annotations to
this manual, pointing out the awkward bits, missing
bits and downright infuriating bits in the system for
the developers to think seriously about improving. 3)
To suggest improvements in the available function. The
overall objective would be to produce a spec. for a
fully developed system, with full documentation that
everyone would want to use.
  Questions: 1. Is it feasible? I believe that, with a
bit of help from here, I could do it (no, not just
tomorrow, but over some months at least). 2. Would
anyone read it? I would hope the developers would, and
the various writers of books, manuals, guides and
whatever.  3) Where should it be produced? Not in the
Wiki: this is a one-man project, to keep it all
together in content and style. One possibility is in
my own web-site, with an e-mail link for comments,
suggestions and proposed inclusions. Any others? 4)
Who would support the project with comments (polite
and helpful) and occasional encouragement. 5) Should I
try it? I think I should. What do you think?

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