Concrete proposal to moving to bzr

Phil Bull philbull at
Sun Oct 21 15:22:43 UTC 2007

Hi Matt,

On Sun, 2007-10-21 at 11:01 +0100, Matthew East wrote:
> I'd also quite like to create a team for people who want to get
> involved but haven't yet been granted access - we could call it
> "~ubuntu-doc-mentees", and relate it to the mentoring project.

I was thinking of bringing this up. An LP team would certainly help to
keep track of what the various mentoring students are working on. I
think that ideally the team would be moderated (we can add people after
they email the mailing list) and would have a renewal period of 3 months
(half a release cycle) so that the team doesn't fill up with people
who're not interested any more.

> Before we go any further, is everyone happy with the move as proposed
> in my previous email of 12 September? If so, the remaining tasks are
> to import the relevant branches, and to rewrite the documentation on
> our wiki pages so everything is clear for new contributors.

Yep, that's fine by me. There's already a basic document on using bzr
here [1].



[1] -

Phil Bull

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