Community help wikis per release

Ross Peoples ubuntu.ross.peoples at
Thu Oct 18 21:59:10 UTC 2007

Brent Saner wrote:
> On 10/18/07, Ross Peoples <ubuntu.ross.peoples at> wrote:
>> This is just my two cents, and I don't know if this is what you guys are
>> talking about, but here goes... I would really be cool if every page had
>> a compatibility grid. The rows would list the flavors (Ubuntu, Kubuntu,
>> Xubuntu, etc) and the columns would list the releases. this could be
>> accomplished by adding a table of checkboxes to the page editor, so the
>> author can check what flavors and releases the page is known to be
>> relevant to. So when the page is viewed, it would present something like
>> this at the top or bottom to indicate what the page applies to:
>>         Edgy (6.10)     Feisty (7.04)   Gusty (7.10)
>> Ubuntu          X               X               X
>> Kubuntu                                         X
>> Xubuntu         X
>> I don't know how difficult it would be to code something like that, but
>> if you guys find this to be a good idea, I would be glad to help
>> implement it.
>> Ross
>>From what I understand from developers, comparison matrices get UGLY from a
> coding perspective. If we have some XML gurus, I bet they could hash
> something out but most people end up doing these sort of things by hand. I
> really like the way you're thinking, though- graphical representation of
> compatibility instead of only tagging.

Well, if you could modify the source code of moinmoin, couldn't you just
insert a piece of php code that generates an html table based on the
checkbox matrix? I'm sure there's a way to put the compatibility
information into a sql table and read by the php code.

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