request for review: Gutsy release candidate announcement

Steve Langasek steve.langasek at
Thu Oct 11 21:48:47 UTC 2007

Hi Neal,

On Wed, Oct 10, 2007 at 08:24:12AM -0600, Neal McBurnett wrote:
> I would suggest talking some more about bittorrent.  You encourage
> people to use it, but without motivation.  Overloaded download sites
> is a big source of frustration and barrier to some users.
> So I suggest incorporating some of the language at 


> about how much faster your experience will be, and perhaps how much
> you can help your friends out if you keep your torrent running a
> while as a seed.

Thanks for the suggestion.  Rather than duplicating this information in the
release announcement, I've included a link to this page.

> Also, I suggest getting this bug fixed so the release pages make it
> easier for people to find the torrents (and we stop pointing to an
> advertising site for commercial movie downloads....)


Agreed, I'll see if we can't get that fixed.

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