Joining the Documentation Team

Phil Bull philbull at
Mon Oct 8 09:27:00 UTC 2007

Hi Narayan,

On Sun, 2007-10-07 at 22:43 +0530, Narayan S S wrote:
> I would like to help out with the bug fixing.

OK, that's great. Would you like to start with this bug [1]? If so,
please assign it to yourself in Launchpad (press the grey arrow under
'Assigned to' and select 'Assigned to: Me').

Then, you'll need an SVN checkout; there are some instructions for this
on the wiki [2].

Once you've done all of that, please let me know and I'll help you to
proceed from there.

Thanks, and good luck!


[1] -
[2] -

Phil Bull

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