
Matthew East mdke at
Sun Oct 7 11:49:10 UTC 2007


On 07/10/2007, Phil Bull <philbull at> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> On Sun, 2007-10-07 at 11:06 +0100, Matthew East wrote:
> > I've just noticed that this document doesn't appear to be linked
> > anywhere in the TOC. Would it make sense to include it as the "Writing
> > your own programs" document in the Advanced Topics section? If we add
> > a link in the document to the current target for that link
> > (x-yelp-toc:#ApplicationsProgramming), then I can't see a reason not
> > to.
> >
> > Too late for gutsy, but we should tidy that up for the next release.
> That seems like a good idea; could you file a bug report for this,
> please? It would be a good project for a mentoring student.

Actually, I've noticed that the x-yelp-toc list is totally empty,
except for the Rarian manual, which means it is not much good. I've
also discovered that we can replace it with a link to programming.xml
without any string changes for gutsy, so I've done that.

Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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