
Luzius Thöny lucius.antonius at gmail.com
Mon Oct 1 20:41:39 UTC 2007

Jani Monoses wrote:
> Can someone from the docteam tell me what the best method of building 
> xubuntu docs is? I see they are no longer in the top level makefile
> I'd like to get it packaged and uploaded but it would help knowing if
> the buid system works at all or only content was created during Gutsy
> thanks
> Jani

I use the 'default' target in the Makefile located at 
'ubuntu-docs/xubuntu/Makefile' to build the docs while I'm working on 
it. That will put the HTML files in the build/ dir, and for me they look 
reasonable when I look at them in a browser. It's quite likely that 
stuff has to be moved around a bit to build the package, though, and I 
think the stuff in 'ubuntu-docs/xubuntu/debian' is outdated. Now that we 
have (more or less) adopted the doc layout/structure of Ubuntu, we might 
have to look at how they do it in 'ubuntu-docs/debian'.

Does that answer your question?

I'm posting this also to ubuntu-doc - maybe someone who has more 
experience with packaging documentation can comment.


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