helpful text needs rewording

Carl Karsten carl at
Thu Nov 29 15:54:10 UTC 2007

I know what I did wrong.  This is not a support issue.  I understand what the 
text is telling me, but I think it could be worded better.

juser at vaio:~$ adduser carl admin
Command 'adduser' is available in '/usr/sbin/adduser'
The command could not be located because '/usr/sbin' is not included in the PATH 
environment variable.
This is most likely caused by the lack of administrative priviledges associated 
with your user account.
-su: adduser: command not found

"is available" and "could not be located" is a contradiction.   How about "could 
not be executed" ?

also "priviledges" should be spelled "privileges".

"-su: adduser: command not found" looks like an attempt to show me the sudo 
command or something.

Carl K

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