Impressions from a newbie

Duncan Lithgow dlithgow at
Fri Mar 9 05:27:22 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-03-08 at 22:36 +0100, Geert Poels wrote:
> Hi there,
> Earlier this week, I installed Ubuntu 6.10 desktop edition.
> I'm pretty impressed with the ease of installation and the stability and
> usability of the distribution.
> I subscribed to this thread to read and discuss the Ubuntu documentation.
> So I'm delighted to give you my impressions as I went along installing soft- and hardware :-)
Thanks for your input. How would you like to adopt one of the pages you
mention and work on improving it? I'd be happy to guide you through how
to get going if you want. Many of the pages you mention are freely
editable with an account, and they are always considered for inclusion
in the official docs for each release.

What do you say to that?

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